New Dark Phoenix Footage Reveals How Jean Grey Turns Bad - Movies News

The X-Men establishment is going to take its second shot at adjusting the Dark Phoenix story for the extra large screen. Be that as it may, precisely how this form would switch things up, past utilizing the new more youthful cast, wasn't completely clear. Presently, we know precisely what will happen to Jean Gray on account of some recording appeared throughout the end of the week at New York Comic-Con.

The X-Men are obviously known superheroes currently, entire with stock, and now the world is watching the endeavored protect mission. The save group comprises of Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Quicksilver, Jean, and Mystique. At the point when the stream makes up for lost time with the bus they discover it turning crazy with some sort gold cloud surrounding it. Cyclops can moderate the turning of the van by thumping out one motor by utilizing a gadget that enables him to utilize his capacity to flame an impact from the ship. Nightcrawler and Quicksilver transport over to the ship to gather the team while Storm utilizes her capacity to hold the ship together.

Dark Phoenix Trailer: Key X-Men Moments Explained

As indicated by the recording that was uncovered to those in participation, the action begins with the dispatch of the space carry Endeavor in 1992. Mission Control sees a type of peculiarity before losing contact with the van. Fortunately, the X-Men are watching the dispatch on TV and spring vigorously. Teacher X inquires as to whether the recently outlined X-Jet is fit for flying through space. Monster attempts to talk him out of it, yet when the President calls Xavier and the save mission springs enthusiastically.

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